

Santa Hockey Player

Santa Hockey Player
Hand Painted on 18 ct
13" x 21"

Red Coat Santa Sock

Red Coat Santa Stocking
Hand Painted on 13 mesh


Nine Christmas Trees. Would make a beautiful pillow. 8" x 8" on 13 Count Canvas.

Passport Cover

Leather Passport Cover with Inside Pocket 5.5" x 4". Insert Size 2.75" x 4.25".

Randy Reindeer

Adorable Reindeer with Hanging Ornaments. 11" x 11" on 18 Count Canvas.

Bird Tapestries 1 - Bullfinch

Cross Stitch (Shown finished).

Psalm 5 Tallit w/ Stitch Guide

Psalm 5 Tallit w/ Stitch Guide
Hand-painted on 13 ct mesh

Vertical Striped Tallit

Vertical Striped Tallit
10 × 13 in
Hand-painted on 13 ct mesh

Lavender Cottage

Lavender Cottage
Hand-painted on18 Mesh

Santa and Snowman Stocking

Santa and Snowman Stocking
hand-painted on 13 mesh

Christmas Ornament Stocking

Christmas Ornament Stocking
Hand-painted on 13ct mesh

Spa Girl

Spa Girl
Hand-Painted on 18ct mesh

Flower Bunny

Flower Bunny
Hand-painted on 18ct mesh

Pinks and Greens Ornament or Insert

Pinks and Greens Ornament or Insert
4" round
Hand-Painted on 18 mesh

Pinks and Greens 3" Round

Pinks and Greens Ornament or Insert
3" Round
Hand-painted on 18 ct mesh

Fox on Chevron

Fox on Chevron
3" round
Hand-painted on 18 ct mesh



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