

Star Ornament Green

Kit comes with canvas, threads, beads and stitch guide. The ornament pictured is a picture of the finished product.

Mountain Laurel

Mountain Laurel: 8.5" on 18 count. Our model is executed in decorative stitches which may be new to many stitchers. It is worked with Wildflowers, Impressions, Soie Cristale and Waterlilies, but the design may be stitched entirely in one color and/or one

Chrysanthemums - Counted Needlepoint

Chrysanthemums Garden is part of an ongoing project, Pairidaeza (Paradise Garden). The design is charted for canvas or fabric and can be worked on various thread counts. It is stitched with Watercolours, Waterlilies and Soie Cristale, but you are encourag

STAINED GLASS Socks - Counted Work

The instructions for Stained Glass Xmas Socks includes two versions of the pattern and shows ways to vary the coloration to get different effects. Stained Glass Xmas socks are stitched on 18 count canvas with Snow (our synthetic metallic thread, available

Running in Line

A collection of nearly 200 stitch patterns using only the running stitch

Perfect for open filling stitches and backgrounds. Detailed chart and thread guide for pieces as shown.

30 double sided pages. Described as a pack since it comes unbound.

BAG74 BB Snap Tray W/O Canvas

Size: 9.5"W x 6"H x 2"D



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