Architecture/At Home


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Blue Hydrangeas

Hand Painted Canvas. 10" x 12.75" on 18 Count.
White House Cove
Hand Painted on 18ct
9 x 15"
Hand Painted Canvas. 4" Round on 18 Count.
Hand Painted Canvas
11.5" x 10.5" on 13 Count
Hand Painted Canvas. 18" x 10" on 18 Count Canvas.
Floral Country Cottage
Hand Painted on 18 ct
Tuscan Villa
18M - 3x2
Gingerbread House
18M - 3x2 - Finished
Hand Painted Canvas
18 Count Mesh
6.5 X 12
Hand Painted Canvas. 6" x 9" on 18 Count Canvas.
Hand Painted Canvas. 6" x 9" on 18 Count Canvas.
Bright and Cheery Key West Home with Convertable
Hand Painted Canvas
18 Count Mesh
8 x 8
Hand Painted
13 Count Mesh
15 x 15 Canvas
Hand Painted Canvas
18 mesh
9 x 9
Handpainted Canvas
13 Count
7 x 18
YUM! Colorful Ice Cream Cone with Sprinkles. 2" x 6.25" on 18 Count.
Yum! Colorful Ice Cream Cone with Cherry. 2" x 6.25" on 18 Count.
Puff Dragon, includes the stitch guide.
Hand Painted on 18 ct mesh.
Lavender Cottage
Hand-painted on18 Mesh
Pineapple Welcome Sign
9.5" x 6.25"
Hand-painted on 18ct mesh



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