Accessories & Tools


Faconnee (Crimped Purl)

Faconnee (pronounced "Fass-oh-nay") is a truly unique texture to be delic
Passing thread is couched down singularly or doubled in the same color thread or a contrasting col
Passing thread is couched down singularly or doubled in the same color thread or a contrasting col
Passing thread is couched down singularly or doubled in the same color thread or a contrasting col
The perfect pair of tweezers for everything... but especially for gold work.
The smooth kid leather has a metallic shiny surface The wrinkled surface kid leathers come in gold,
Gold T70 Imitation Japan Thread. 25 gram spool. Glossy and shiny and the highest quality made in t
Silver T70 Imitation Japan Thread. 25 gram spool. Glossy and shiny and the highest quality made in
Copper T70 Imitation Japan Thread. 25 gram spool. Glossy and shiny and the highest quality made in
Gold T72 Imitation Japan Thread. 25 gram spool. Glossy and shiny and the highest quality made in t
#14 Approximately of an inch (3 mm) across the width of the spangle. There are approx 50 spangles
#9 Gilt Spangles. Approximately 4mm cross the width of the spangle. There are approx 25 spangles.
1 Yard of Silver Plate Pearl Purl #3. Pearl Purl is a wire that is wound into a tight coil that loo
2 Yards of Silver Plate Med Grecian. Grecian Twist is made up of four strands, two strands with a s
2 Yards Silver Plate Millary Wire. Milliary wire is a two part thread, consisting of a central core
2 Yards of Copper Bright Check #6. Bright Check Purl has a faceted surface and is shiny in appearan



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