Counted Work


English Ivy

Counted Cross Stitch. 251 Stitches x 243 Stitches.

Chrysanthemums - Counted Needlepoint

Chrysanthemums Garden is part of an ongoing project, Pairidaeza (Paradise Garden). The design is charted for canvas or fabric and can be worked on various thread counts. It is stitched with Watercolours, Waterlilies and Soie Cristale, but you are encourag

Christmas Wishes

Christmas Wishes Kit
Includes: 32 Ct Linen, Kreinik, Beads

Blossom - Cross Stitch

Blossom - Cross Stitch Kit
Includes: Fabric 32Ct, Beads, Design Sheets

Malaysian Mist

Counted Cross Stitch. 161 Stitches Square.

The Frosty Knot Garden

Counted Cross Stitch Chart

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Twisted Mermaids

Twisted Mermaids

This is a cross stitch kit that includes the following: Linen Cloth 32ct , Embellishment Kit, instructions, and chart. Design size 10"w x 16.25"h.

Heart of Many Colors

Counted Cross Stitch. 207 Stitches x 255 Stitches.

Heart Leaves

Counted Cross Stitch. 237 Stitches x 272 Stitches.

Charmed Dreams

Cross Stitch Guide

St. Sylvestre

Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

Sweet Hearts

Counted Cross Stitch Chart and Silk Pack

Spring Bunny Biscornu

Counted Cross Stitch Chart

O Tannenbaum in Gold

Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

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Ocean Song - Cross Stitch

Ocean Song - Cross Stitch

This is a cross stitch kit that includes: Beads, 14ct tropical blue aida, floss, needles, chart and instructions. The piece measures 5x7".

Holiday Poppers - Counted Needlepoint

These tubular designs are perfect for hiding a small present in during the holidays, or hanging as an ornament in the tree! Each popper is 3.25" long and 1" in diameter.

Kelly Clark Valentine Basket KC KCB05-18

Kelly Clark Kit with Canvas, Stitch Guide, and Embellishments



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